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Anti-Bullying Procedure

This statement should be read in conjunction with Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion, College's Disciplinary, Child Protection and Complaints Procedure. Core issues relating to staff, not involving students, please refer to the Anti-bullying policy (staff) (harassment).

The Bullying Alert Form is for instances of a student being bullied i.e. the victim. Complete the Behaviour Alert Form for behaviour which causes concern. This may include instances of aggressive or intimidating behaviour to others.

Lancaster & Morecambe College is committed to providing a supportive, friendly, safe and positive learning environment in which bullying is unacceptable. All staff and students have the right to be treated with respect and must not be discriminated against or disadvantaged as a result of their age, colour, ethnic origin, family responsibility, gender, marital status, nationality, race, religion, belief, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or disability.

Harassment and Bullying Procedure