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Many of our students progress to the world of work or higher education, read our Alumni stories to find out where our students went after College.
During my time at LMC, I gained the skills I needed to support children and young people in education and how to behave positively and professionally when working in the education industry. This first-hand experience resulted in me being offered a long-term role as a teaching assistant.
I chose this course as it aligns with my goals and many trips were offered. I liked that it was assignment-based, allowing me to put time into my work. As the College is quite far away it allowed me to meet new people. The transport to College was also free allowing me to get there and back easily.
I have significantly improved my communication and collaboration skills at LMC.
My tutors at College were always ready to help answer my questions, and I found their lessons interesting and relevant. My two main tutors were Chris and Kane and thanks to their help I was able to apply to university and was offered a place. Chris has taught me a huge amount about football. If you have any questions regarding football and coaching, he is the person with all answers, as he has previously worked with a professional football club before becoming a tutor at College, and he has taught me how coaching works at the highest level.
The best bit about the course was working with the animals, some of the animals that we worked with were rabbits, rats, spiders, fish, hamsters and even chinchillas. They have many animals that you can work with, and you won't be working with the same animals every practical lesson.
The main thing I took away from my time as a student at LMC is to throw yourself into something, even if you are worried about it. The support networks at the College help so much to develop confidence to do something. LMC also encourage their students to run their own projects, which is something that I believe that has helped me after College.
LMC emerged as the perfect fit for my academic journey as they offer a program that seamlessly transitioned me from my functional skills studies into an AAT Acounting qualification. The knowledge I gain from studying this course is very valuable as it allows me to build a strong foundation of knowledge as well as handling my practical skills.
Everyday is a learning day, never underestimate your own abilities and just go for it! Since completing my apprenticeship, I have been promoted to a Regional Director for possibly one of the best care companies in the UK, that's a big achievement!
I was out of education for 24 years and it was just so daunting the idea of studying again. Don’t be scared to give it ago and have a chat with the college and make that first point of contact. Once you’ve done that you feel like it’s doable. The course is challenging but manageable if you commit to it. Ultimately, I wouldn’t have been able to progress in to University without it.
I really enjoyed the project aspect of my apprenticeship, as I got the chance to work on an area of the business which previously I didn’t have anything to do with as part of my day-to-day role. As a result of this I learnt a lot about the project area and worked with new colleagues from across the institution. Writing my project report and presentation helped me to recognise the progress I had made and the impact the project had on the institution, as well as identify the new skills I learned.
My advice to anyone thinking of studying GCSE Maths or GCSE Biology would be to go for it! No matter your situation the College is always there to help and it makes it an easy environment to learn in.
I really enjoyed how it was a lot less strict than school, the tutors were amazing and friendly and they made the lessons fun and interesting.