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Armani Illingworth

Courses Taken:
Sport Level 2, Sport Level 3 and Sport Level 4 HNC
Years Studied:
4 years
Youth Social Action Officer

Whilst studying Sport Level 4 HNC, I was chosen to fly out to Slovakia, fully funded for 3 weeks. My role there was a Youth Worker where I worked with young people who spoke very little English, I helped organise and lead sessions and supported those with English as their second language.  

Armani has always had a passion for sports which led her to study Sport Level 2 and Sport Level 3 here at LMC where she progressed up to a Sport HNC Level 4.

I chose to study at Lancaster & Morecambe College due to my ambition for sports. It was really a no-brainer to study the range of sport courses at College.

Armani had the opportunity to visit Slovakia on a funded trip to further develop her skills. This trip also allowed her to gain valuable work experience, specifically working with children.  

In Slovakia I got the chance to work with young people who didn’t know much English and put on events/sessions for them to take part in. If I hadn't been given this opportunity through College, I believe I wouldn’t be as confident as I am to progress into full time employment.

During her time studying Sport HNC Level 4, her tutor brought an exciting job opportunity to her attention. This was a new job role at LMC as a Youth Social Action Apprentice. In this role Armani will have the opportunity to empower students to identify and address issues within their local community. The activities involved in this role include campaigning, fundraising and volunteering, all of which enable young people to make a positive difference and develop their own skills and knowledge. Armani was successful and now works as a Youth Social Action Officer. She used the skills and knowledge that she had gained from her courses to get this job.

My tutor at the time highlighted that this job opportunity would be an amazing starting point to start my career, in youth work. My success in getting this job shows that my dedication and commitment to my studies have paid off, as I am now able to apply my knowledge and skills in a professional setting.

When asked what advice she would give to those thinking of a career in Sports, she said:

Use the sports courses that LMC has to offer to your advantage as, you will build relevant and practical skills needed for a career in sports. My success is proof and an inspiration to others wanting to pursue a career they are passionate about that you can do anything when you put your mind to it and be successful.