Arwen Davies

Courses Taken:
Bookkeeping Level 2 & Distance Learning Business Administration Level 2
Years Studied:
2018 - 2021
Business Administration Apprentice

It has given me the chance to learn professional skills without being overburdened by the pressures expected in a full-time role. I’ve enjoyed not being too worried about being slow or making mistakes because I have had access to regular support from both my employer and the College.

Arwen began studying at Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) after feeling dissatisfied with the work she had obtained on completion of her degree in Psychology. Arwen completed Bookkeeping Level 2 followed by our Business Admin Level 2 Distance Learning course, before beginning her search for work in the industry. Arwen soon discovered that most employers were keen to hire someone with practical experience and so she chose to continue her studies at LMC with an Apprenticeship, to help obtain the work experience she required.  

Arwen now works as a Level 3 Administration Assistant at the University of Cumbria in the Human Resources department, where she looks after short term and short notice contracts for ad hoc academic and casual/professional service work. Recently she has also been involved in a project producing contracts for asymptomatic Covid tests for students returning to campus.   

The format of an Apprenticeship has particularly suited Arwen as it has provided her with the opportunity to work within the industry while still receiving regular academic support: 

It has given me the chance to learn professional skills without being overburdened by the pressures expected in a full-time role. I’ve enjoyed not being too worried about being slow or making mistakes because I have had access to regular support from both my employer and the College.

The main skill Arwen has developed during her Apprenticeship is her communication skills: 

The ‘Communicating Professionally’ unit has been the most important take-away for me. It has taught me a lot about internal and external communication such as professional emailing and video calling. During this unit, my mentor worked on emails with me as I was having some trouble getting the tone right.

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Arwen has spent the vast majority of her Apprenticeship working from home, meaning effective communication with colleagues and external stakeholders has been essential to carrying out her duties.  

In addition to improved communication, Arwen has seen a development in her self-confidence which has encouraged her to apply for future career opportunities, and also led to her confidently presenting to groups of staff at the University. 

One of the biggest things I’ve learned is how to present confidently online. Part of my Apprenticeship project included presenting online demos of a new communication process on Skype to Principal Lecturers. All this confidence and experience has resulted in me earning a place on a PGCE for Biology, something I don’t think I could have achieved without this Apprenticeship.

When asked what advice she would give to somebody considering the Business Admin Level 3 Apprenticeship, Arwen said: 

I would say, if you get the chance, go for it. You receive continual support throughout your Apprenticeship, you gain a great qualification and in some cases you earn a permanent role at the end!