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An Apprenticeship is a perfect choice if you want to continue your studies and develop your skills, knowledge and behaviours in a specific industry, while also earning a salary in full-time employment; kickstarting your long-term career path.
As a Bricklayer Level 2 Apprentice, you will be developing basic bricklaying skills including laying bricks, blocks and various other materials and components in mortar to both construct and repair foundations, walls, partitions, arches and other structures. Choosing an apprenticeship in this field, work can be found both in the new build and refurbishment sectors of the industry. Projects can vary in size from repairing garden walls, and building new houses to larger scale projects such as office blocks and retail developments. There is a strong demand for qualified skilled bricklayers. Employers in bricklaying can vary widely from small local family building companies to major home builders and commercial contractors.
Typically, day to day duties as a bricklayer you can be:
Laying bricks and blocks, utilising modern methods of construction and premanufactured elements to construct walls.
Both setting out and preparing mortar and using a trowel to lay bricks and mortar and applying damp proof materials to complete projects to specification.
Use spirit levels and plumb lines to check building alignment
Use hammers and chisels to shape and trim bricks and blocks.
Good communication skills are essential in this trade as you will be liaising with immediate members of your team and your site management team which can include a senior bricklayer overseeing the work providing advice and guidance. You will also work with professionals from other construction trades such as site carpenters and roofers who could work for their organisation or another contractor.
As a bricklayer, you will be responsible for creating high quality products which meets standards, specifications and design plans, whilst ensuring the health, safety and well-being of both yourself and others are upheld and promoted at all times.
Upon completion of this course, you will qualify as Level 2 Bricklayer.
To apply for this apprenticeship, you need to be employed for 30 hours or more
As an apprentice, you will complete two years of practical training and then you will be assessed by an End Point Assessment (EPA).
This End Point Assessment consists of-
A Multiple-Choice Test- This a closed book exam, lasting 60 minutes made up of 40 multiple choice questions.
An Interview underpinned by a portfolio of evidence - involves you as an apprentice being asked questions by an independent assessor. It will take place over a duration of 60 minutes and you will be asked at least 10 questions regarding your work.
Practical Assessment with Questions- This involves you being observed by an independent assessor completing a set of tasks. It will last over 12 hours and you will be asked at least 6 questions.
You will also be building up a portfolio of evidence throughout the duration of the programme to support your End Point Assessment.
Upon qualification you will be a fully qualified bricklayer and you may go onto to specialise in certain types of projects. This can include refurbishment work, new build homes or commercial work.
You must have:
Enthusiasm for the subject/area
Enjoy working with people
Be able to work independently
Good interpersonal skills
Commitment to regularly collecting evidence from your workplace to support your portfolio.
Good awareness of health and safety in your work at all times
4 GCSES at Grade 3/D or higher including English and Maths or Functional Skills Level 1.
Or the ability to demonstrate skill to this level through initial assessments.
Complete an Apprenticeship Application Form and return to: The Admissions Officer, Lancaster & Morecambe College, Morecambe Road, Lancaster, LA1 2TY.
If you are already employed then contact the Apprenticeship Team on 01524 521483.
Course code: A30030-A1A