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Plumbing & Heating Apprenticeship Level 3

PLEASE NOTE - There are two intakes for this apprenticeship course, September and January.

Plumbing & Heating Apprenticeship Level 3

egg-timerDay & Block Release & Employer Premises
arrowLevel 3
calendar4 Years
pinLancaster & Morecambe College
Start date: Roll on
egg-timerDay & Block Release & Employer Premises
arrowLevel 3
calendar4 Years
pinLancaster & Morecambe College
Start date: Roll on

An Apprenticeship is a perfect choice if you want to continue your studies and develop your skills, knowledge and behaviours in a specific industry, while also earning a salary in full-time employment; kickstarting your long-term career path.

Course Overview

As a Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician apprentice, you will be entering a varied industry. You will be learning how to size and select, plan and install, service, maintain and commission plumbing and domestic heating systems.

As a technician, you will typically be required to work on plumbing elements such as hot and cold water systems and storage, supplies to housing and dwellings and associated pipework, above ground pipework, connection to below ground, sanitary pipework, fittings and furniture.

You will typically be working in and outside customer property as well as on building sites.

You will go onto specialise as a:

  • Domestic gas fired hot water heating appliances technician- installing and maintaining domestic natural gas systems, central heating and hot water appliances.

To apply for this apprenticeship, you need to be employed for 30 hours or more a week and you will attend college one day a week.

As an apprentice, you will complete 48 months of practical training and then you will be assessed by an End Point Assessment (EPA) taking place over a duration of 3 months.

For the diploma element of your qualification, you will also be assessed through observations and work logs/portfolios.

The EPA has four assessment methods-

  • Knowledge Test-This involves you as an apprentice carrying out two knowledge tests. Paper 1- covering the core knowledge statements for all plumbing pathways. Paper 2- covering all specific statements linked to the Domestic Gas Fired Hot Water Heating Appliances Technician.

  • Practical Planning Test- This involves you as an apprentice producing a design plan. This should take 5 hours.

  • Practical Competence Test- This is an integrated assessment method which forms part of the assessment for EPA and the Nationally Accredited Certification Scheme for Gas Fittings Operatives (ACS) Assessments CCN1 and CENWAT. This involves an independent assessor observing you as an apprentice completing a task or a series of tasks.

  • Interview underpinned by an apprenticeship portfolio of evidence- This involves you as an apprentice being asked questions by an independent assessor. Your portfolio of evidence will help support you in answering the questions. For the core element of the qualification there will be 15 questions over a 90-minute period and for the specialised element of the qualification (Option 1) there will be 5 questions over a 45-minute period.

You will also be building up a portfolio of evidence throughout the duration of the programme to support you with your End Point Assessment.

For further information on end point assessment, see End point assessment plan:


Progression Routes

Upon completion of this qualification, you will be qualified as a Level 3 Domestic Plumbing and Heating Technician and you will be able to progress into a career as a qualified Plumber, Plumber and Domestic Heating Engineer or a Plumbing and Domestic Heating Installer.

You will also receive professional recognition- EngTech by the Engineering Council through The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) and or The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).

Entry Requirements

It is important to consider the following:

  • Awareness and regard for good health and safety practices

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills

  • Work well individually and as part of a team

  • Attention to detail

  • Commitment to study (attendance, punctuality & behaviour)

  • Enthusiasm for the subject/area

  • Commitment to regularly collecting evidence from your workplace to support your portfolio

5 GCSEs at Grade 4/C or above including English and Maths or Functional Skills Level 2

Or the ability to demonstrate skill to this level through initial assessments.

How to Apply

• Complete an Apprenticeship Application Form and return to: The Admissions Officer, Lancaster & Morecambe College, Morecambe Road, Lancaster,
LA1 2TY.
• If you are already employed then contact: The Apprenticeship Team on 01524 521483

Course code: A30047-A1A