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Distance Learning courses at Lancaster & Morecambe College

Principles of Customer Service - Level 2

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arrowLevel 2
hatAdult PT
calendar25 Weeks
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Start date: Roll on

This qualification will give you the underpinning knowledge that is required to ensure you can successfully work in a range of different environments in a customer service role. You will develop essential knowledge of how to carry out customer service related tasks such as how to manage information and supporting events. You will also learn how to apply your knowledge in a variety of industries and job roles.

The course will be fully delivered through distance learning, therefore there is no attendance required in the classroom.

Course Overview

You will be allocated an assessor who will guide, mentor and support you through the qualification.

The course consists of the following units:

Unit 1: Principles of customer service and delivery

This unit will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and understanding needed to work in a customer service role. You will develop knowledge of the legal and ethical requirements that relate to customer service and maintaining customer service information.

Unit 2: Understand customers

Within this unit you will develop knowledge of the different types of customers. You will also study the links between good customer service and customer loyalty, as well as how these factors affect the organisation in terms of reputation and image.

Unit 3: Understand employer organisations

Here you will look at a variety of organisational structures and the differences between private, public and voluntary sectors. You will discover the internal and external influences on organisations, and why change in the business environment is important.

Unit 4: Understand how to communicate with customers

Within this unit you will gain a thorough understanding of the importance of effective communication in customer service. You will look at different communication techniques and how to identify and adapt your own communication style in order to offer the best service possible.

Unit 5: Understand how to handle customer information

This unit will provide you with knowledge of customer service information systems and handover procedures. You will learn about the different responsibilities and levels of authority for processing customer service information.

Unit 6: Understand how to resolve problems and deliver customer service to challenging customers

Unit 6 will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge to enable you to deal with challenging customers. You will develop knowledge of techniques you can use to resolve problems and manage unresolved problems by referring to other sources.

Unit 7: Understand how to develop customer relationships

Within this unit you will gain an understanding of how to develop relationships with customers or potential customers. You will also study the value of customer loyalty and the customer’s expectations of you.

On completion of this course you will receive a Level 2 Certificate in the Principles Customer Service from TQUK.

Progression Routes

This qualification could assist you in gaining the following employment opportunities:

  • Customer Service Representative

  • Complaints Handler

  • Barista

  • Waiter

  • Receptionist

Additional education opportunities include:

  • Access to HE Level 3

  • Principles of Business Administration Level 2

  • Equality & Diversity Level 2

  • Principles of Team Leading Level 2

Course Fees

This course costs FREE, including exam fees.

You may be eligible for free study if you are 23 or under and this is your first full Level 2 or 3 course. Alternatively, if you are unemployed, receiving an eligible benefit, and taking the course to help you find employment.

You may also be entitled to additional financial support including course materials, uniforms, and childcare expenses depending upon your individual circumstances. Read more about Financial Support for adults.

How to Apply

If you would like to enquire about or enrol onto this course, please click 'Enquire’ or ‘Apply’ at the top of the page, follow the steps, and our Admissions Team will be in touch with you

For more information, advice and guidance please phone Student & Learning Services on 01524 521385 or 0800 306306 or email

Course code: B36656-A2A