For online payments please call our Finance Team on 01524 521321

Part Time Courses

Financial Support for part time Students:

You may be able to access financial support depending on your circumstances whilst you are studying at College. Whether that be courses fees or additional expenses. 

Funding for course tuition fees may be available depending upon your individual circumstances, contact the Careers Information Advice & Guidance Officer to find out more. 

Call 01524 521385

Funding for course expenses such as kit, uniform and extra curricula trips, may also be available to learners, please check with the Student Money Team which items are approved for financial help.

Call 01524 521385

Course Tuition Fees

As a Part Time learner you may be entitled to study for free, depending upon your individual circumstances; contact the Careers Information Advice and Guidance Officer on 01524 521385 for further details.

Can I study for free?

If you are 23 or under and studying for your first full Level 2 or 3 course, this may be free.

You may also be eligible for free study if you're unemployed, receiving an eligible benenit and you are taking the course to help you find employment. There is also a subsidised rate of £25 per course if you're employed and in receipt of certain benefits, eligibility is shown in the table below.

Benefit Employed Waived Fee Evidence
JSA No Full 0 In date letter/account screenshot
ESA(WRAG) No Full 0 In date letter/account screenshot
ESA Contribution Based Yes Partial £25 In date letter/account screenshot
Universal Credit No Full 0 In date letter/account screenshot
Universal Credit Yes Full 0 In date letter/account screenshot, if earning less than £25,000
In receipt of another state benefit other than the above       In date letter/account screenshot

Course Expenses

Funding is available for course expenses such as kit, uniform and extra curricula trips, to learners when their:

  • household is in receipt of certain means tested benefits/household income is below £35,000 
  • course is 30 hours or more in total

Please check with the Student Money Team which items are approved for financial help. You’ll receive a full refund on approved items purchased for your course once you have been approved for support and submitted your receipt.

Call 01524 521469

Childcare Support

Parents under the age of 20 on 31st August 2022 should apply directly at Care to Learn 

Parents over the age of 20 on 31st August 2022 can apply for childcare support, by completing both the LSF Financial Support Form and a Childcare Application Form, if:

  • your household is in receipt of certain means tested benefits/household income is below £35,000
  • your course is 30 hours or more in total

One Childcare Application Form is required for each childcare provider that you use. 

Session rates or a maximum £6.00/hour (if your provider charges an hourly rate) will be paid during term-time only, for your timetabled days. The maximum weekly contribution is £160/child. 

Your Ofsted registered childcare provider must accept the free 15 & 30-hour funding, for 2 & 3-year olds. If your child qualifies for the free 15 hours, these must be used for the childcare required whilst attending college.

College will contribute towards the outstanding hours. If you receive the childcare element of tax credits/Universal Credit, we are unable to fund your childcare.

Please speak to the Student Money Team regarding the sliding scale of support dependent on income.

Call 01524 521469

Travel Costs

You can be refunded for your travel costs if:

  • Your household is in recepit of certain means tested benefit/ household income is below £35,000
  • Your course is 30 hours or more in total
  • Your learning venue is 1.5 miles or more from your home

Please speak to the Student Money Team.

Call 01524 521469