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No matter which course you take at LMC, our aim is to help you progress into your chosen career and the majority of employers now look for a minimum GCSE grade C/4 or Functional Skills Level 2 in Maths & English.
It is a UK Government requirement for all students aged 16-18 to study Maths & English alongside their vocational course, if they haven’t already achieved GCSE grade 4 or Functional Skills Level 2.
At LMC, we offer two levels in each subject; GCSE and Functional Skills.
Progress Maths classes teach learners to the standard required to achieve up to a GCSE grade 3. Learners may take a Functional Skills qualification or the GCSE exams in May/June, depending on their preference and abilities.
GCSE 4/5 Maths teach learners to the standard required to achieve a GCSE grade 4 or 5 on the Foundation Paper. All learners will sit the GCSE exams in May/June. Learners with a GCSE grade 3 will be placed in these classes.
Functional Skills English classes teach learners to the standard required to achieve up to a Functional Skills Level 2. Functional Skills English qualifications are very different to English Language GCSE exams, as they focus more on English skills for the workplace.
GCSE English classes teach learners to the standard required to achieve a GCSE grade 4 or 5, and the exam papers allow all grades up to Grade 9 to be achieved. All learners will sit the GCSE exams in May/June. Learners with a GCSE grade 3 will be placed in these classes.
If English is not your first language and you would like to improve your essential language skills, our range of ESOL courses will help you develop competency and confidence.
We work closely with local organisations, including Global Link, RAIS and the Lancashire Refugee Integration Team, to ensure we provide our learners with appropriate support and guidance, enabling them to progress onto further study or into employment
Full-time learners:
We offer a full-time (approx 20 hours per week) ESOL course for young people who wish to improve their English language competency, and develop key skills and knowledge for further study or employment. Our ESOL Pathway offers learners the chance to study maths & English, alongside Living & Working in the UK qualification. You will also have the opportunity to take part in sports sessions, tutorials and community learning projects.
Part-time, adult (19+) learners:
Our specialist tutors deliver weekly sessions to ESOL learners at all levels from Beginner through to Level 2. Courses are available during the day time and in the evening, on our main LMC campus and at a variety of locations across the district.
Once you have applied, you will be invited to attend an assessment with one of our ESOL tutors, who will discuss the different course options. Our friendly team will also be able to provide information about funding and any additional support that is available.
Following the successful completion of the course you will have the opportunity to discuss progressing onto further courses, such as GCSE or vocational qualifications. The ESOL qualification is widely recognised by employers and will help you with all aspects of everyday life in the UK.
My favourite part of my job is helping people achieve their GCSE English, a key qualification which will open doors for them in the future.
I love working with people of all ages and backgrounds and seeing them make progress and achieve their qualifications, sometimes in “small” ways, such as remembering how to do a written multiplication.