English & Maths courses

English & Maths

With English and maths skills, you can access higher education, gain rewarding employment, and earn more in your career. Whether you're an adult learner studying part time as a hobby or to support a change in your career, or maybe you're a learner looking to resit your GCSE; the good news is that it's never too late to learn. View the range of courses in English and maths that are available to study at Lancaster & Morecambe College. 

Test your exisiting knowledge with the blue online resources:


Here at LMC we have a strong ESOL (English as a Second Language) offer for our local community. Through specialist tutors we deliver twice weekly sessions to ESOL learners at all levels from Beginner, Entry 1, to Advanced at Level 2. We work closely with local organisations such as Global Link to support those learners in need of ESOL tuition. We support students to progress through the levels, including onto GCSE English, and into employment. 

We have sessions through the Lancaster and Morecambe District, at various times of the day and evening.  Dependent on a student's financial situation or immigration status the classes may be free. Students will need to have an assessment with a specialist tutor to identify which level of class is appropriate before joining a class with us.

Assessments can be book via ESOLgroup@lmc.ac.uk