Leading Lancashire Leadership & Management

Leadership & Management Courses

All Leading Lancashire Leadership & Management programmes will enable employees to progress into, develop and sustain roles in any sector or industry, as well as support for progression in work, tackling disadvantages and widen career choices. For further information, or to enrol on any of the below courses, please call or email us

Chartered Management Institute (CMI) awards

We are also proud to offer a range of Chartered Management Institute (CMI) awards and certificates in Leadership & Management, delivered by a highly experienced team.

COURSES Coming Soon...

Managing Projects to Achieve Results

Date and time
Coming soon
1/2 day

This session aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, tools and techniques for managing and monitoring projects or improvements within the workplace. 

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us

Team Building Skills for Managers

Date and time
Coming soon
1 day

This course is for first line managers, office managers, supervisors and  clients who want an insight into building a successful team. The course covers the concept of building effective teams, enhancing team spirit and the stages of team development.

This course will equip you with the folllowing knowledge:

  • The attributes of a highly successful team
  • How to evaluate and lead an effective team
  • Working with virtual teams and how they’re different
  • Bringing teams together through trust and communication
  • How to use team-building exercises to strengthen your team
  • Evolving with your team to succeed in the future
  • How to develop a culture of teamwork within your business

The benefits of completing this course will include:

  • Clients will have a creative pool of ideas, skills and methods to work with teams
  • Increased confidence
  • Goals that make sense
  • Knowing the types of people you need in your team
  • Coaching strategies

LMC Business & Conference Centre

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us.

Train to Train

Date and time
Coming soon

1 day
LMC Business & Conference Centre

A highly practical workshop in which you will be equipped with the skills, knowledge and techniques required to become an effective trainer on a one to one basis and group training. Training design, structure and delivery are the elements that will be covered in the workshop. At the end of the programme delegates will be able to:

  1. Understand how people learn in different ways
  2. Clearly state the structure of a training session
  3. Explain the benefits of each phase of a structured training session
  4. Demonstrate an ability to use a range of questioning and discussion techniques to generate interaction and promote group dynamics
  5. Design visual aids that enhance the message that you are delivering to delegates
  6. Demonstrate how to split groups effectively for syndicate work required
  7. Deliver training material relevant to your workplace

This workshop is aimed at individuals who are responsible for training in the workplace including induction, soft skills, IT skills, management and technical training. A great opportunity for trainers, tutors, assessors and teachers to complete their CPD by polishing their existing skills.

The course will include:

  • How people learn
  • Course structure
  • Icebreakers and Energisers
  • Group dynamics
  • Training delivery and evaluation
  • Personal action planning

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us. 

Advice & Guidance

Date and time
Coming soon

1/2 day

Who should attend:

This is primarily concerned with practitioners who work directly with clients, disseminating information, advice and some level of guidance. They will be working with information that is often interpreted by others and working within some clear guidelines.

This is ideal if your role involves providing advice and guidance directly to clients, reporting to line management as well as associated services. You may also supervise and support other staff members.

Course content:

  • Establish contact with clients
  • Enable clients to gain access to the service
  • Assist clients to gain access to other services
  • Review own contribution to the service
  • Maintain information materials for use in the service
  • Supply information materials to the client


  • Improve the way you feel about yourself, your job and your clients
  • Have a more positive impact on day-to-day service operations
  • Enhance your company's and your own professional image


For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us.

Business Improvement Techniques

Date and time:
Coming soon

1 day

LMC Business & Conference Centre

Within any business, continual improvement and refinement of techniques is critical in maximising the effectiveness of the business and maintaining competitiveness.

These sessions offer the learner business improvement techniques suitable for improving business performance in the workplace, however small.

To improve the efficiency of the workplace, the sessions will cover:

  • The application of continuous improvement techniques
  • Flow process analysis
  • Visual management systems
  • To reduce/eliminate waste

The application of Kaizen activities within the workplace

  • Problem solving to reduce costs and improve quality, delivery and responsiveness
  • The application of potential failure modes and effects analysis
  • The principles and application of Poka Yoke (mistake/error proofing)

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us

Excellence in Customer Service

Date and time:
Coming soon

1 day

LMC Business & Conference Centre

This session aims to quip you with an understanding of how to deliver a great customer experience that meets and exceeds the expectation of your customer.

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us

Excel for Managers

Date and time:
Coming soon

1 day

LMC Business & Conference Centre

In business, literally, any function in any industry can benefit from those with strong Excel knowledge. Excel is a powerful tool that has become entrenched in business processes.

This course is for Managers who want to make better decisions through knowledge of manipulating data. Using calculations to model scenarios and provide graphical representation to help with the understanding of goals and targets.

Managers will get the most from this course, if they are already users of Excel and can do basic calculations within the spreadsheets.

  • Customising Toolbars – to speed spreadsheet development and knowledge towards the Data Manipulation course
  • Manipulating Sheets - Re-naming, moving, copying, adding multiple sheets to allow forecasting and modelling.
  • Linking Sheets/Books - Paste link, autosum, absolute cell references – to ensure checking and data analysis is correct – again helping with forecasting
  • Calculation Techniques - Using the function wizard, dates, vertical lookup/logic test – more complex calculations which knowledge, then can be transferred to other areas of the business
  • Graphs and Charts – to give a visual understanding of the position of the company.

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us

Business Improvement using Japanese Techniques

Date and time:
Coming soon

Within any business, continual improvement and refinement of techniques is critical in maximising the effectiveness of the business and maintaining competitiveness.

These sessions offer the learner business improvement techniques suitable for improving business performance in the workplace, however small.

To improve the efficiency of the workplace, the sessions will cover:

  • The application of continuous improvement techniques
  • Flow process analysis
  • Visual management systems
  • To reduce/eliminate waste

The application of Kaizen activities within the workplace

  • Problem solving to reduce costs and improve quality, delivery and responsiveness
  • The application of potential failure modes and effects analysis
  • The principles and application of Poka Yoke (mistake/error proofing)

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us

Excel for Intermediates

Date and time
Coming soon

1 day

This one-day training course is for delegates who have a firm understanding of Microsoft Excel or may have completed a beginners/basic course. The course will give you knowledge of commands and functions which will make you more proficient in spreadsheet and development. It will also teach you how to apply these tools to solve your own business problems.

Topics covered will include:

  • Creating a spreadsheet
  • Opening and importing
  • Formulas
  • Editing cells
  • Printing
  • Formatting cells
  • Formatting worksheets
  • Creating charts
  • Formatting charts
  • Cell referencing
  • Functions
  • Names
  • Linking
  • Filtering and sorting

The cost of this one day course will be £60 which includes tuition, course materials, refreshments and a light business lunch.
LMC Business & Conference Centre

For further information, or to enrol, please call or email us.

Negotiation Skills for Managers

Who should attend:

This course will offer clients the confidence to plan a negotiation strategy and execute it to perfection.

Seven methods to improve negotiating are taught, and the most common negotiating errors are exposed. Through a series of role play scenarios you will perfect the best negotiating techniques.

Course content:

  • Creating the right environment
  • Researching your objectives
  • People and Places
  • Opening the meeting – talking and listening
  • Proposing
  • Closing and confirming
  • Evaluating performance and continuing to grow


  • Greater confidence to negotiate at all levels
  • Knowledge of strategic negotiation
  • Achieving a conclusion to both parties
  • To return to the workplace with well practiced negotiating techniques relating to their own individual situations

Leadership & Organisational Culture

This session is an opportunity to develop your knowledge regarding how organisational culture directly impacts upon staff and business performance. This session will offer you an opportunity to reflect upon how organisation culture and performance are inter-related, share your experiences and consider new working practices.

Managing Individuals to be Effective in their Role - CMI Unit 303

High performing individuals impact on the performance of teams and the organisation. The aim of this unit is to develop the manager’s understanding of how to confidently use their knowledge, skills and abilities to support individuals, not only to perform well, but to exceed expectations.