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Multiply courses
Multiply logo
The Lancashire Colleges logo
Lancashire County Council logo
Funded by Government logo


Award winning Multiply sessionsDo you have a dislike of numbers? Are you a parent who dreads being asked to help with maths homework? Would you like help with budgeting when cooking family meals? Does understanding your mortgage interest payments seem like an impossible task?

Award winning FREE Skills Sessions

The Multiply Project is a Government funded project to engage adults aged 19 plus in improving their maths skills to access employment and/or education; to progress at work; support children with homework and improve general money management skills. The aim is also to enable adults to access college provision within their own community leading to them engaging in further learning.

Recently our Multiply Team were awarded a certificate of recognition for the Best at Engaging Hard to Reach Participants for Multiply by the Lancashire Skills & Employment Hub.

Since September 2022, we have engaged with over 1000 participants. We have been working with local organisations such as Lancaster & District CVS; Lancashire Women; local Primary Schools; Marsh Community Centre; East Meets West; Global Link; Lancaster Men’s Hub; the Children & Family Wellbeing Service. The project continues until March 2025.

Some of the courses the project has enabled us to offer are:

  • 1-1 tutoring or small groups for people studying towards formal Maths qualifications
  • Cooking on a Budget sessions
  • Managing your Household Budget
  • Upskilling for Teaching Assistants
  • One day Excel courses

I found the course super empowering. I feel so much more confident to teach maths both at schools and at home.

For further information contact us

NEW DIY Skills taster coming soon

This course will offer an opportunity to try your hand at home improvements such as Joinery, Plumbing, and Plastering, enabling you to gain more DIY skills.

Thursdays • 9.30am - 3pm at Lancaster & Morecambe College - date to be confirmed

FREE Maths Confidence Workshop

We are delighted to announce that we have secured funding to offer Free Maths Workshops with our Multiply Project to help you upskill in maths. Multiply is a national programme that offers access to free courses intended to help you become more confident with numbers and gain maths skills without the exam but could lead to a qualification if you wanted. 

Fridays in term time • 10.30am-12.30pm
at The Link, West Street, Morecambe

Topics covered during the session includes:

  • Budgeting
  • Help with Homework
  • Functional Skills Math


If you’d like to attend the Free Maths Confidence Workshop, there is no need to book -  just drop in on the day

Maths drop in Workshops

Every Tuesday in term time,12.30-2.30pm

in The Hex

If you're 19+ you can get support with your Functional Skills, Help with Home work or just take your first steps back into understanding number.

No need to book, just turn up

Adult classes

What is Multiply?

Multiply is a national programme that offers access to free courses intended to help you become more confident with numbers and gain maths skills without the exam but could lead to a qualification if you wanted; if you need help in managing your bills, budgeting or you want to improve your potential at work, then a Multiply course is for you.

What other courses do we offer?

  • GCSE Support
  • Cooking for a Family on a Budget
  • Try Before you Buy Functional Skills
  • Help for Homework
  • Money in Your Pocket
  • Maths Made Easy
  • Digital Maths
  • Games Night
  • Digital Safety

INterested in applying for a course?

Complete the form below to apply for a course and  a member of the Multiply team will be in contact.


Who is it for?

If you are aged 19 or over and do not hold a GCSE in maths at grade C or above (4 to 9 under the new grading system) from the past 10 years, or an equivalent qualification, you can access free courses through the Multiply project.

How can we help you?

Everyday life skills:

  • Would you like to know how much money you could save every year by changing your shopping habits?
  • Would you like to gain a better understanding of where your money goes and how to decrease your monthly outgoings?

If this sounds interesting then why not join our Really Useful Maths They Don't Teach You at School course, where you will learn all about different types of outgoings and incomes, and how to apply these to a monthly budget.

Helping your children with maths:

  • Do you find it difficult to understand the new methods schools use to teach maths in primary schools?
  • Would you benefit from learning these methods, which could help give you the tools to help your child with homework?

If these are questions you often ask yourself, the Maths To Support Your Primary Aged Child course could be for you! We offer weekly sessions covering the Primary Curriculum Maths subjects, giving you tips on how your child will be taught in class and how you can help from home.

Upskilling for a job (new or current):

  • Do you require a GCSE or Functional Skills Level 2 qualification to progress in your current workplace?
  • Have you seen a University Course you would love to get stuck in to, but not having a Maths qualification is preventing you from perusing your dream career?

If this sounds like you, the Try Before you Buy Functional Skills course could be hugely beneficial to you.

Multiply Courses Available
Cooking for a family on a budget
Group Multiply Sessions