

We're not just about classrooms and text books
See what our students get up to while they're studying here with us.

LMC In the Spotlight

All of our courses are designed to enhance careers-related learning with the opportunity to take part in educational trips in the UK and abroad, as well as a range of local, community-based projects. ‘LMC in the Spotlight’ highlights some of the exceptional opportunities we offer to all our students and celebrates their achievements.

Apprenticeship Awards 2024
27 November 2024, was our Annual Apprenticeship Awards to celebrate the efforts and achievements over the last year of our Apprentices, Advisors, Tutors and local Employers.
LMC Principal is sent to jail!
Lancaster & Morecambe College has announced that its Principal, Danny Braithwaite, is being sent to prison for undisclosed crimes. However, students, staff and parents don't need to worry, as it is all in the name of charity!
Positive Prospects for our NEET Students
Ray and Evi, part of our NEET team (students who are not in employment, education, or training or at risk of) have recently been putting the Igloo to use to support students who are struggling to attend their courses and need a bit of extra support.
LMC Supports City of Sanctuary Charity
City of Sanctuary is a national charitable organisation that helps promote inclusion in the UK for people who have been forcibly displaced and are seeking sanctuary.
Digital Inclusion and Support for the West End Community
With funding support from WEM, Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) are launching a new Digital Inclusion project in the West End this July, offering advice, support and training for local residents to help them develop essential digital skills.