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Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) is one of five Lancashire colleges helping to drive a new £1.3m motor vehicle project aiming to bridge the skills gap in low carbon vehicle mechanics. The Lancashire Automotive Skills Accelerator Project is funded by the Department for Education, as part of The Skills Accelerator Strategic Development Fund.
The project, which was officially launched at Blackburn College on Tuesday 9 November, will create low-carbon skills centres across Lancashire, providing significant investment in cutting-edge technologies and upskilling tutors to ensure that training and resources meet the needs of employers and the industry, of which The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) expect a requirement for 90,000 skilled technicians by 2030.
The skills centres will support the Government’s commitment to withdrawing the sale of new petrol or diesel cars in 2030 as part of the UK’s net-zero targets. Working with dealerships and independent garages, the project will train future employees in the service, repair and maintenance of electric and hybrid vehicles.
Wes Johnson, Principal of LMC, commented:
Lancaster & Morecambe College is proud to be participating in the Lancashire Automotive Skills Accelerator Project, as part of its involvement in the wider Skills Development Fund across Lancashire.
The future of plant vehicle technology and the local electric charging infrastructure is vitally important to us, not only as a College. but as a community. We look forward to working with our strategic partners and employers to ensure this project has a long-lasting and positive impact, including new skilled employment opportunities for the future.
The project will create five electric and hybrid Vehicle Skills Centres across Lancashire, based at each of the participating colleges; Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC), Blackburn College, Blackpool & Fylde College, Myerscough College and Nelson & Colne College Group. LMC's focus on the project will be to meet local sector needs, particularly in relation to electric and hybrid plant vehicle technology, and charging infrastructure.
A Lancashire Independent Garage Network will be established to support motor vehicle businesses across the county with the skills, advice, and guidance on how to meet future industry demands for electric and hybrid vehicles, and to adapt their business for growth. The network will be a collaborative partnership with the five colleges to explore new techniques and approaches to carbon neutrality.