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LMC Students Complete Work Placements in Italy

Posted: 05.07.2023

Congratulations to all 16 students on their successful completion of their Italian Work Placements.

In June, 16 students from Business, Hospitality & Catering and Travel & Tourism arrived in Italy to start their 2 weeks of international work placements. They first spent a day seeing the sights of Rome, they visited the Museo delle Genti d'Abruzzo to learn about the history of the region they are staying in, and made friends with some of the locals!

Following their cultural trips, the students dived straight into their work placements.

Making pizza and pasta following traditional Italian recipes, visiting the local Chamber of Commerce and Confcommercio Imprese per L'Italia to find out about the current business/tourism scene and experiencing the local tourist opportunities to enable them to bring this information together for their final activities.

Their final days in Italy were spent visiting local tourist hotspots, Sulmona & Chieti, as research for how tourism could be improved in these areas.  Additionally students were invited as VIPs to attend a Rural Tourism event, where key professionals discussed their thoughts on tourism in the rural areas and how they could be developed. The students were able to meet the President of the Chamber of Commerce prior to them presenting their ideas of him and his team the following day.  

They impressed with their final presentations to the Chamber of Commerce for Pescara and Chieti, with brilliant recommendations for improvement, development and increasing tourism.  Many students, overcoming nerves and confidence issues,  spoke with passion and commitment and the board were so impressed that they have kept all their work to present it further to additional parties. 

Please follow the link to see the article that the Chamber in Italy wrote about the event.

Sarah Armstead, Business Course Tutor said,

I was so incredibly proud of all students, they were a credit to themselves and the college.

Following this very busy and intense day the students were rewarded with a relaxing day at a local pool, which was very much needed, so they were ready for our final meal where our chef students worked with local restaurants, following traditional Italian recipes students made and served us spaghetti carbonara and tiramasu.

Students were presented with their completion certificates from our Italian partner at the meal and it was a great end to an incredible 2 weeks.

Just wanted to say thank you so much for the opportunity to go to Italy words can’t describe how grateful I am I had an AMAZING time!

Thailia Freeman-Bourne - Cabin Crew

Thank you so much for such an amazing trip! I enjoyed every second of it

Katie Sharpe - Travel & Tourism Level 3

I would just like to thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. I have really enjoyed myself through out the trip

Ashton Greenhow - Business Level 3

If you would like the opportunity to participate in a work placement in Italy then apply now for your place at LMC.