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LMC Supports City of Sanctuary Charity

Posted: 27.09.2024

City of Sanctuary is a national charitable organisation that helps promote inclusion in the UK for people who have been forcibly displaced and are seeking sanctuary.

The network contributes to building a movement in the UK that welcomes inclusion, understanding, recognition and celebration of the ways in which people seeking sanctuary enrich society. We were established as a City of Sanctuary College back in 2015 and we are continously supporting learners with our commitment to a campus-wide approach of quality education and additional support.

LMC have always been committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment to enable those learners seeking sanctuary to integrate into the community, access education and enable learners to take back control and contribute to society. Our staff work tirelessly for the best outcomes of all learners and we have been consistent in our support through challenging times for those learners seeking sanctuary.

A College of Sanctuary is a college that has been recognised for its work with refugees and asylum seekers. It is a place that fosters a culture of welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary, including asylum seeking and refugee families and unaccompanied minors.

Working towards an awarded status of College of Sanctuary recognises and celebrates our work at the same time as sharing our values with the local community. It also brings a wealth of benefits to our students, staff and community in the shape of enriched classroom discussions, establishing a culture of welcome, equipping students to go into a range of professions, being part of a dynamic group of colleges and improving pastoral care for those seeking sanctuary.

City of Sanctuary Values

  • Inclusiveness
  • Openness
  • Participation
  • Inspiration
  • Integrity

LMC Values

  • Collaborative
  • Inclusive
  • Aspirational