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We're not just about classrooms and text books
See what our students get up to while they're studying here with us.

LMC In the Spotlight

All of our courses are designed to enhance careers-related learning with the opportunity to take part in educational trips in the UK and abroad, as well as a range of local, community-based projects. ‘LMC in the Spotlight’ highlights some of the exceptional opportunities we offer to all our students and celebrates their achievements.

Apprenticeship Awards 2024
27 November 2024, was our Annual Apprenticeship Awards to celebrate the efforts and achievements over the last year of our Apprentices, Advisors, Tutors and local Employers.
Apprenticeship Open Evening 2024
As part of this year’s National Apprenticeship Week (NAW24) LMC welcomed around 30 local, regional and national employers and over 300 visitors onto campus last week for their annual Apprenticeship Open Evening.
#LMC100in100 Campaign Launched
National Apprenticeship Week has launched and Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC), along with the National Apprenticeship Service, are encouraging learners to ‘Look Beyond’ the traditional routes into HE or employment, by promoting the benefits of apprenticeships.