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Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) is committed to fostering equality of opportunity by offering a high-quality service to all our students, regardless of personal circumstances.
Specialist staff in each subject department have planned sessions, work experience, opportunities for stretch and challenge as well as developed a programme of activities with external visitors/visits to enhance the learning experience at LMC.
We advise learners to get the most out of their College experience by taking advantage of the additional support available to them;
We provide a wide range of resources to assist students with their assignments. Knowledgeable staff, books, e-resources, computers, laptops and much more will all help to guide students to get the best results. Staff will provide, amongst other things, study skill sessions and workshops on how to get the most out of MOODLE.
Students should go the The Hex for all support, including;
Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6.30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 4pm
Monday - Thursday 9am – 5pm,
Friday 9am– 4pm
Exam Access Arrangements (EAA) often include a reader, scribe, word processor, rest breaks, extra time, large print or a quiet room.
If you have previously had or used exam arrangements and found them beneficial, then please contact the Learning Support Team if you would like us to apply for your current course whilst studying at LMC. it is very likely that you’ll get the same EAA at college.
It is important that you make a request for exam arrangements as soon as possible as they must be awarded by the examining bodies several months prior to the exam taking place. If you are unsure whether you would benefit from exam arrangements or additional support, please speak to your tutor or one of the Learning Support Team.
When applying to the exam board for any specific conditions, we may need you to acquire additional evidence in the form of a medical statement or diagnosis from a doctor, a report from a specialist teacher, or your previous access arrangements report to support our request.
Call on 0800 306 306 to arrange an appointment or discuss your queries over the phone.
Visit our Student & Learning Services located in The Hexagon Student and Learning Centre (The Hex) where our team will be happy to help.