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Nicky Dickinson

At LMC Since:
August 2023

My role is to work alongside the tutors and students to ensure the work placements are secured, completed and recorded in line with procedural requirements. This is a simple description, as there is a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure this happens! I see good communication, administration, attention to detail and patience as key attributes of the role.

Job Role at College - Placement Coordinator in Animal Studies

Nicky started working at Lancaster & Morecambe College in August 2023, having previously attended LMC as a student.

With a background in Administration, Nicky fancied a change and joined our Animal Studies team at LMC.

My background is in Administration and Customer Service and I have worked locally for estate agents, hygiene companies and a wallcovering company, which unfortunately is now a housing estate! I live locally with my husband, son and our rescue dog.

Nicky's role within the Animal Studies team is to secure work placements for students, to allow them to put their skills and knowledge to practice in the industry.

My role is to work alongside the tutors and students to ensure the work placements are secured, completed and recorded in line with procedural requirements. This is a simple description, as there is a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure this happens! I see good communication, administration, attention to detail and patience as key attributes of the role.

Having not previously worked in the education sector, Nicky saw this as a new challenge.

I have not worked in the education sector previously and find some elements challenging but enjoyable. For a learner to be receptive, successfully complete their placement and feel they have taken away skills and knowledge from the experience is rewarding.