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Tamsin Glover Emerson

Child Education
At LMC Since:

If you are interested in finding out more about how children learn and how we best support them, are considering a career in education, child psychology or social work put LMC at the top of your list! We have excellent industry links for placement experience and combined with our experienced and highly qualified lecturers, we can give you a real edge in the world of work or applying for university.

Tamsin started her journey teaching Child Education at Lancaster & Morecambe College in 2021 after spending over 15 years in the industry.

Before working at LMC Tamsin worked in a variety of roles within the early years industry, including family support and leadership and management.

I am passionate about Early Years and I made the move to lecturing to more closely influence the quality of the practitioners we train. I love helping the students to reach their full potential!

Tamsin teaches on all levels within the Child Education department, with her primary focus currently being on our T-Level in Education & Early Years and our Early Years Level 1 Course. Lessons are taught in both practical and theory sessions, with the practical sessions and work placements allowing learners to put their learning into practice.

We make sure we have a combination of taught sessions and practical sessions in our newly renovated Early Years Training Suite and no day is the same- like all areas of Early Years we prepare you to muck in and get messy! 

When asked what she would say to someone thinking of studying on a Child Education course, Tamsin said,

If you are interested in finding out more about how children learn and how we best support them, are considering a career in education, child psychology or social work put LMC at the top of your list! We have excellent industry links for placement experience and combined with our experienced and highly qualified lecturers, we can give you a real edge in the world of work or applying for university. 

Choosing to study a Child Education course can open the pathway to many jobs within the industry such as a nanny, a teacher, a nursery worker and even a physcologist.