Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) hosted the Travel & Tourism Lancashire Skills Competition at Lancaster’s Williamson Park. Students from Blackpool and Fylde College, Preston College and Lancaster & Morecambe College competed in a variety of skill-based tasks that enabled them to showcase their talents
Lancaster & Morecambe College (LMC) has received funding from two local charitable trusts to help support young people (16-25) to complete their studies and progress onto further education or employment.
27 November 2024, was our Annual Apprenticeship Awards to celebrate the efforts and achievements over the last year of our Apprentices, Advisors, Tutors and local Employers.
LMC welcomed a team of visitors from the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), the national body for careers education, onto campus last week to showcase their aspirational and award-winning careers provision.
Sports students from Lancaster and Morecambe College (LMC) are some of the latest beneficiaries of the Banks Lyon Memorial Trust (BLMT) who awarded the College with a £5000 grant to support their learners to access a range of outdoor educational opportunities.
Lancaster & Morecambe College has announced that its Principal, Danny Braithwaite, is being sent to prison for undisclosed crimes. However, students, staff and parents don't need to worry, as it is all in the name of charity!
Ray and Evi, part of our NEET team (students who are not in employment, education, or training or at risk of) have recently been putting the Igloo to use to support students who are struggling to attend their courses and need a bit of extra support.
City of Sanctuary is a national charitable organisation that helps promote inclusion in the UK for people who have been forcibly displaced and are seeking sanctuary.